地球惑星物理学特論2   Earth and Planetary Physics 2
We study introductory fluid experiments. Student's works are below.

マグマだまりの発泡実験 An experiment simulating vesiculation in a magma chamber

砂の入った玉を斜面で転がす実験 An experiment of a rolling ball filled with sand on a slope

参考文献:すぐ使える型紙つき つくる科学の本2 足利裕人 編著 CTask

圧力を下げて沸騰する実験 Boiling caused by decompression

参考:NGK サイエンスサイト https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1oJBu_lXCw

コンデンスミルクとココアを使った溶岩流の実験 Lava flow experiment with condensed milk and cocoa

The surface of condensed milk covered with cocoa wrinkles like a paho'eho'e lava flow, and the cocoa on the top of the condensed milk breaks like an 'A'a lava flow.
参考:火山学会、第26回公開講座テキスト「親子で火山実験 マグマを見よう!いろいろな溶岩流を知ろう!」http://www.kazan.or.jp/doc/2019kokai-jikken.pdf

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These are students' works, so please do not expect an accurate explanation.
The copyright of these videos belongs to the student who created them. Please refrain from reproducing without permission.